College Regulations
The College’s students have to meet the following prerequisites of studies:
- The student has to keep up an annual rate of 50% at leastor a cumulative rate of not less than 2.0 to continue studying in the College.
- The student has to besuccessful in all theschool year’s curricula& score an annual rate of not less than 50% or a cumulative rate of 2.0 to be transferred to the next class.
- If the student’s annual rate decreases to lessthan 30% or less than the accumulative rate of1.0 at the end of any school year, the Academic Boardmay dismiss the student on the recommendation of the student’s college. The student has to remove all the estimations of non-completion & failure so that he/she may be allowed to continue at the end of studying & register for the following school year.
- The student who fails in a number of courses that are more than two thirds of the accredited hours of the school year’s curricula, the Academic Boardmay dismiss the student on the recommendation of the student’s college.
- Ifthe student is absent for more than one third of the accredited hours of the school year’s curriculum, without an acceptable reason, the Academic Boardmay dismiss the student on the recommendation of the student’s college.
- If the student is absent for more than 25% of the time specified forany course, he/she shall be deprived from sitting to the final exam of that curricula, shall be considered as failed & shall be given (F) rating or zero
- The student who is absent with a plausible reason for more than 25% of the time specified for a number of courses whose hours are more than one third of the hours accredited for the school year, the school year may be frozen for him/her.
- In the case of the student who is absent with an acceptable reason for more than 25% of the time specified for a number of courses whose accredited hours are equal to, or less than one thirdof the hours accredited for the courses ofthe school year, the Academic Board may, on the recommendation of the student’s college, allow the student to continue his/her studies. The student shall be given the estimations of non-completion of the missed courses, which shall not be considered in the annual rate’s calculations.
- The student who is absent for an announced exam,for a test or for any of the school courseswithout an acceptable reason, shall be considered as failed in that exam or test & shall be given a zero.
- The student who is absent for an announced exam or a test or for courseworkswithout an acceptable reason, shall be given an estimation of non-completion.
- In accordance with the College’s academic prerequisites, the student has to remove the assessment of non-completion prior to the end of the following school year. The student who fails to remove the non-completion assessment during that period without an acceptable excuse, shall be given (F) assessment or “zero” in such courses, which shall be considered in the calculations of the annual rating.
- Unless the academic prerequisites stipulates otherwise at the end of each school year, the student sits to the final written exam to complete the assessment prerequisites in all the school year’s subjects,.
- According to the academic requirement, the percentage of 60% – 70% of the total assessment shall be accredited for the final exam & the percentage of 30% – 40% for course work.
- The student is considered as successful if he/she scores not less than 50% or an accumulative rate of not less than 2.0 of the total of the final exam & course work. Further, the score of the student should not be less than 25% -40% of course work, in accordance with the academic requirements of the College.
- At the recommendation of the college’s board, the Academic Board may allow the student who fails in any of the supplementary exams to re-sit for the exams.
- The student, who hasnot sat for the supplementary exams during this period without an acceptable excuse, shall be considered asfailed & shall be given the assessment of (F) or (zero). On the recommendation of the College’s Board, the Academic Board may allow such a student to repeatthe school year.
- No student is allowed to repeat the school year more than twice in the system of 4 years or more than 3 times in systems of more than that.
- If the student fails in a number of subjects whose accredited hours are not more than one third of the hours accredited for the school year’s subjects, the Academic Board may allow him/her to repeat the school year or sit for the exams of subjects where he/she has failed.