Department Goals

  1. Dissemination of electronic systems engineering concepts and sciences at the level of Sudan.
  2. Prepare scientifically and professionally qualified cadres in the field of specialization and graduate students at the bachelor’s level.
  3. Enrich the field of scientific research in the field of electronic system software engineering, and seek to upgrade the division to grant higher scientific degrees in the field of electronic systems software engineering, to achieve scientific breakthroughs and develop the field in the country.
  4. Capacity development in the analysis, design and development of electronic systems.
  5. Develop a deep understanding of professional responsibilities related to specialization, including the professional, social, and ethical environment in various fields of work.


In the framework of achieving the goals of the Department and promoting performance, improving the academic level of the students of the Department and enabling them to acquire scientific expertise and technical skills in the field, the management of the College of Engineering and the administration of the Electronic Systems Software Engineering Section has taken the following measures:


  1. Periodically review the curricula and programs of study to promote them to keep abreast of developments in this field, while continuing to modify the curricula on an ongoing basis.
  2. Focus on design-oriented subjects in the curricula and graduation projects to develop students’ research and application skills.
  3. Interest in using and applying computers at seminars and expanded use of teaching aids such as slides, films and electronic shows.
  4. Give attention to hands-on training and include students’ performance on the final calendar.
  5. Interest in organizing panel discussions and debates on practical and national topics that require thought and systematic analysis.
  6. Continuously extrapolating the opinions of graduates and employees on the subjects studied and their suitability for work requirements.