Study plan for the Biomedical Engineering

First year

First Semester

Code Title Credit
EMS11301 Chemistry I 3
EMS11501 Introduction to Computer Systems 3
EMS11101 calculus 1 and It’s Applications 3
HUM11301 English Language 1 2
EMS11301 Physics 1 3
HUM11401 Sudanese Studies 2
EMS11102 Linear algebra and matrices 3
EMS11401 Biology 3
                   Total 22

Second Semester

Code Title Credit
HUM12101 Arabic Language 1 3
EMS12103 calculus 2 3
MDE12701 Introduction To Medical and electrical Engineering 3
HUM12302 English Language 2 and It’s Applications 2
HUM12201 Islamic culture 1 3
EMS12202 Physics 2 3
EMS12104 Analytical geometry 3
  Zreo training ــــ
EMS12302 Chemistry 2 3
                   Total 23

Second Year

First Semester

Code Title Credit
HUM21102 Arabic Language 2 3
EEE21301 Electrical Circuits 1  3
EMS21601 Engineering Drawing 2
EMS21105 Numerical methods 3
HUM21303 English Language 3 2
MDE21702 Introduction to anatomy  3
EMS21106 Differential equations and mathematical methods 3
HUM21202 Islamic culture 2 3
                   Total   22

Second Semester

Code Title Credit
EEE22302 ELectrical Circuits 2 3
EMS22502 Computer Programming 3
EMS22107 complex  variables 3
HUM22304 English Language 4 2
EEE22101 Semiconductors 2
EMS22602 Engineering Thermodynamics 2
EEE22102 Principles of logic circuits 3
MDE22703 Introduction to  physiology 3
                   Total 21

Third Year

First Semester

Code Title Credit
EEE31103 Digital Systems Design 3
EEE31104 Electronic circuits 3
EEE31405 Electromagnetic 3
EEE31303 Electrical Measurements 3
MDE31704 Biomedical physics 2
MDE31705 Biomaterials Science 2
EMS31108 Biostatistics & probabilities 2
                   Total 18

Second Semester

Code Title Credit
MDE32706 Biomechanics 2
MDE32707 Signals and Systems Analysis 3
EEE32105 Power Electronics 3
MDE32708 Optics in medicine 3
EMS32503 Matlab + labview 3
MDE32709 Physiological Monitoring 3
                   Total 17

fourth year

First Semester

Code Title Credit
MDE41710 Medical Electronics 3
HUM41501 Engineering Economics 2
EEE41106 Microprocessor  and Assembly Language 3
MDE41711 Digital Signal Processing 3
EMS41203 Radiation and Modern physics 3
EEE41201 Communication Systems 3
  Elective A 2
                   Total   19

Second Semester

Code Title Credit
EMS42504 Advance Programming Techniques 3
MDE42712 Bioinstrumentation Engineering 3
HUM42601 Research Methodology and Ethics 2
HUM42502 Engineering Administration for Hospitals 2
MDE42713 Medical Imaging by Ionizing Radiation 3
MDE42714 Digital Image Processing 3
  Elective B 3
                   Total   19

fifth year

First Semester

Code Title Credit
PRO51001 Project 1 3
MDE51715 Medical Imaging by Non- Ionizing Radiation 3
MDE51716 Medical Instrumentation 3
MDE51717 Rehabilitation  Engineering 2
  Elective C 3
  Elective C 3
  Elective C 3
               Total 20

Second Semester

Code Title Credit
MDE52718 Clinical and Environmental Engineering 2
PRO52002 Project 2 3
MDE52719 Nuclear Medicine 2
MDE52720 Workshop and Field training 3
  Elective D 2
  Elective D 2
  Elective D 3
               Total 17

Elective Courses

Elective A

MDE41722 Artificial Organs Engineering
MDE41723 Tissues Engineering
Elective B
EMS42504 Advance Programming Techniques
EMS42505 Virtual Design of Medical Instrumentation
Elective C
MDE51724 Artificial Intelligent and Neural Network
MDE51725 Microcontroller & PLC
MDE51726 Computer Networks + PACS&DICOM
MDE51727 Embedded Systems
MDE51728 Robotics and Deep Learning
MDE52729 Medical informatics and Operating Systems
MDE52730 Quality Control and Quality Assurance 
MDE52731 Telemedicine
MDE52732 Biomedical Nanotechnology applications
MDE52733 Computational Methods for biomedical Applications